Offer tea as a gift

Mystery Gift Box 70$

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      Who doesn't like to receive a surprise gift?
      We will carefully select products for your gift that we ourselves would like to receive! Everything will be packaged nicely but without being overwrapped.
      The person you are treating will receive an assortment valued at $ 70 including:
      - An herbal tea (25g)
      - A second conforting herbal tea! (50g)
      - A tea from our new collection (40g)
    • - One of our favorite teas (format de 50g)
      - A traditionnal high mountain Oolong tea (25g)
      - An absolutely essential infusion accessory
      - Two tea containers for storage
    • A personalized handwritten wishing card 
    • .::. Would you like to add a personalized wishing card with your message? Write your personalized message in the "Notes" section at checkout..::.


    • Thé par quantité d’eau 2 c. à thé dans 500 ml
      Temps d’infusion 3 à 5 minutes
      Température d’infusion 70 °C
    • Type de thé Green
      Origine Japon (Tenryu)
      Niveau de théine Moyen
      Goût et arômes Végétal, pois mange-tout