Gift Boxes

Festive Gift Box

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      Here are our completely festive finds for this extraordinary holiday season. Some reds, some spices, balsam fir and our brand new “Festive Ginger” tea, at the forefront!
      This gift box includes :
      - A Red ceramic teapot that contains 500ml
      - A reusable cotton tea bag 
      - Our famous  Christmas Tea (50g)
    • - An herbal tea: Balsam Fir (15g)
      - A bag of our black tea Arctic Fire (40 g)
      - A personalized handwritten greeting card (If you wish)
    • .::. Would you like us to add a personalized handwritten greeting card with your message? Indicate it in the "Notes" section during payment. .::.


    • Thé par quantité d’eau 2 c. à thé dans 500 ml
      Temps d’infusion 3 à 5 minutes
      Température d’infusion 70 °C
    • Type de thé Green
      Origine Japon (Tenryu)
      Niveau de théine Moyen
      Goût et arômes Végétal, pois mange-tout