Find out about our love for Green Teas!

Feuilles de thé vert du Japon à la Maison de thé Cha Noir à Montréal

Why choose green tea?

Green tea, and tea in general, have been the subject of many studies. As well as antioxidants and polyphenols, green tea contains caffeine but also theanine, which can provide many health benefits, such as:

  • Reduction of free radicals
  • Maintenance of cardiovascular health
  • Improved immune response
  • Lower cholesterol levels
  • Maintenance of a good memory

According to an article by the chair of cancer prevention and treatment at UQAM, "A multitude of population studies have shown that regular consumption of green tea is associated with a decreased risk of developing multiple cancers."

It is the polyphenols, more precisely the EGCG catechins, contained in green tea that are responsible. In one of the studies,it was determined that certain green teas contained more than others. Based on these analyses, high quality loose-leaf Japanese green teas, such as Sencha Uchiyama and Gyokuro, contained the most of these polyphenols.

To read more on these studies: Dr Richard Béliveau

Sources: Tea and herbal association of Canada, Passeport Santé, Health Canada, Chaire en prévention et traitement du cancer de l'UQAM.

Sencha Uchiyama dans une tasse Raku. Un thé vert du Japon.

A cup of Sencha Uchiyama made with the technique of Raku in Les ateliers Charlevoix. From our personal collection.

Our advice to optimize the virtues of green tea

We suggest varying the green teas that you consume. To ensure an interesting gustatory experience while receiving all of the benefits, choose high quality loose-leaf teas. Avoid bagged green teas, and tea leaves that are old or crushed into powder. An infusion of 8 to 10 minutes is sometimes suggested to achieve the maximum amount of antioxidants. Remember that green teas should be infused at a temperature ranging from 60 to 85 degrees Celsius. Follow the temperature suggested on the bag of tea that you purchase. A good tea seller will ensure that you have this information.

Our recommendations of Japanese Green Teas

Sencha Uchiyama 

🤍 Definitely the preferred green tea of Mélanie, the author of thisarticle. She prepares a first infusion of 3 minutes, then allows the leaves toinfuse for 5 minutes for the second infusion. It is very important to never useboiling water on these delicate leaves. See this tea


🤍 Gyokuro, which means literally “precious dew” or “pearl of dew”, is oneof Japan’s most prestigious green teas. Its infusion gives a unique andcomplex blend of vegetal and marine essences. See this tea


This high quality Bancha will quickly become yourally for an afternoon energy boost. Accessible both in taste and in price, itcontains notes of asparagus, fresh grass and straw. See this tea


Produced in the mountainous region of Tenryu, Japan,this delicate tea of leaves and branches offers a faintly sweet taste reminiscent of snow peas. See this tea


An original tea, made from Bancha and roasted and popped rice. It has an herbaceous character with notes of grilled grains. Itcombines marvellously with savoury dishes. And its not popcorn! See this tea

Matcha Sawa 

🤍 Matcha sawa is a favourite of our team. The tea leaves are reduced into a fine powder, giving a beverage that is rich in antioxidants and very energizing. See this tea

Matcha Izu

We love match Izu for its versatility. Whether we take it hot or cold, with or without milk, it is always appreciated and has a beautiful coloration. See this tea

Peach Mist

A naturally scented variety of Sencha. Perfect for a calm early morning. See this tea

Japan Flowers 

A mix of fruit and flowers flavour this Sencha : mango, rose, bergamot, cornflower and sunflower petals. See this tea

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Translated from french by : Niko Hurley

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